четверг, 15 марта 2012 г.

William J. Murnane, historian, professor

Long before William J. Murnane Jr. became a prominent Egyptologistand historian, he knew he was born to be an expert on ancienthistory.

"He had an insatiable curiosity about absolutely everything, and aspirit of generosity and sharing that was truly infectious," said W.Raymond Johnson, field director of the Epigraphic Survey, whichphotographs and produces line drawings of inscriptions and reliefscenes in major Egyptian temples and tombs.

Mr. Murnane died of heart failure on Nov. 17 in Memphis. He was55.

"He will be terribly missed," said Johnson. "His loss is aterrible blow to Egyptology, and we-his friends-are truly devastatedby his passing."

Born in …

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